Julien CLEMENT 3e9261a7c8 fix add diplodocus writeup
Signed-off-by: Julien CLEMENT <julien.clement@epita.fr>
2022-05-10 00:14:17 +02:00

190 lines
8.2 KiB

uint64_t check(char* input, int64_t len)
int64_t i = 0x14;
char* cursor = input;
void* end = &cursor[len];
void* fsbase;
int64_t rax = *(int64_t*)((char*)fsbase + 0x28);
struct context context;
int64_t* context_ptr = &context;
for (; i != 0; i = (i - 1))
*(int64_t*)context_ptr = 0;
context_ptr = &context_ptr[1];
// bits = 0x00ffffff
// visited[0] = 1
context.bits_queue = 0x100ffffff;
*(int32_t*)context_ptr = 0;
uint64_t res;
if (cursor < end)
while (true)
char* next = &cursor[1];
if (*(int8_t*)cursor > 4)
res = ((uint64_t)(context.err | 1));
int32_t i;
uint128_t zmm0;
int128_t arr3_5-9;
int128_t arr3_1-4;
switch (*(int8_t*)cursor)
case 0:
int128_t arr1_1-5 = context.visited[1];
arr3_1-4 = context.check_board[1];
int128_t arr1_5-9 = context.visited[5];
int128_t arr1_9-13 = context.visited[9];
arr3_5-9 = context.check_board[5];
int128_t arr2_1-5 = context.board[1];
int32_t r12 = context.visited[5];
int32_t rbp_1 = context.visited[9];
int128_t arr2_5-9 = context.board[5];
int128_t arr2_9-13 = context.board[9];
int32_t var_38_1 = context.move;
int32_t err1 = (pop_count(((uint64_t)*(int32_t*)((char*)context.j)[0xc])) + pop_count(((uint64_t)context.visited[1])));
int32_t err2 = ((err1 + pop_count(((uint64_t)*(int32_t*)((char*)arr1_1-5)[4]))) + pop_count(((uint64_t)*(int32_t*)((char*)arr1_1-5)[8])));
int32_t err3 = ((err2 + pop_count(((uint64_t)*(int32_t*)((char*)arr1_1-5)[0xc]))) + pop_count(((uint64_t)r12)));
int32_t err4 = ((err3 + pop_count(((uint64_t)*(int32_t*)((char*)arr1_5-9)[4]))) + pop_count(((uint64_t)*(int32_t*)((char*)arr1_5-9)[8])));
int32_t err5 = ((err4 + pop_count(((uint64_t)*(int32_t*)((char*)arr1_5-9)[0xc]))) + pop_count(((uint64_t)rbp_1)));
int32_t bits = context.bits_queue;
int32_t err6;
err6 = ((err5 + pop_count(((uint64_t)*(int32_t*)((char*)arr1_9-13)[4]))) + pop_count(((uint64_t)*(int32_t*)((char*)arr1_9-13)[8]))) != 0x90;
int32_t err = (err6 | context.err);
context.err = err;
int128_t var_48_1 = context.check_board[9];
zmm0 = ((arr2_9-13 & arr3_1-4) & arr3_5-9);
zmm0 = (zmm0 & _mm_bsrli_si128(zmm0, 8));
zmm0 = (zmm0 & _mm_bsrli_si128(zmm0, 4));
int32_t rax_23;
rax_23 = (zmm0 & 0xfff) != 0xfff;
int32_t err = (((uint32_t)rax_23) | err);
uint32_t flag = 1;
context.err = err;
if (bits == 0)
int128_t var_48_2 = context.check_board[9];
int32_t flag;
flag = *(int32_t*)((char*)arr2_9-13)[8] != ((((((((((*(int32_t*)((char*)arr1_9-13)[0xc] ^ arr2_1-5) ^ *(int32_t*)((char*)arr2_1-5)[4]) ^ *(int32_t*)((char*)arr2_1-5)[8]) ^ *(int32_t*)((char*)arr2_1-5)[0xc]) ^ arr2_5-9) ^ *(int32_t*)((char*)arr2_5-9)[4]) ^ *(int32_t*)((char*)arr2_5-9)[8]) ^ *(int32_t*)((char*)arr2_5-9)[0xc]) ^ arr2_9-13) ^ *(int32_t*)((char*)arr2_9-13)[4]);
flag = ((uint32_t)flag);
res = ((uint64_t)(err | flag));
case 1: // cycle through instructions
cursor = next;
context.move = ((context.move + 1) & 3);
// change coordinates and set nth bit of ith element of arr
// error if bit is already set
case 2:
enum moves op = context.move;
int32_t j = context.j;
i = context.i;
if (op == 0)
j = (j + 1);
else if (op == 1)
i = (i - 1);
else if (op == 2)
j = (j - 1);
op = op == 3;
i = (i + ((uint32_t)op));
int32_t row; // get element
int64_t i_cpy;
if ((j <= 0xb && i <= 0xb))
i_cpy = ((int64_t)i);
row = context.visited[i_cpy];
if (((j > 0xb || (j <= 0xb && i > 0xb)) || ((j <= 0xb && i <= 0xb) && (TEST_BITD(row, j)))))
context.err = (context.err | 1);
cursor = next;
if (((j <= 0xb && i <= 0xb) && (!(TEST_BITD(row, j)))))
cursor = next;
context.j = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(j, i); // store new indexes
context.visited[i_cpy] = (row | ((int32_t)(1 << j))); // set bit
// set the nth bit of the ith element of arr2 if lsb of bits is set
// error if bits is cleared or if bitwise_check(new_element) > 2
case 3:
int32_t bits_queue = context.bits_queue;
int64_t i = ((int64_t)context.i);
int32_t bits_cleared;
bits_cleared = bits_queue == 0;
int32_t new_flags = (bits_cleared | context.err);
uint64_t row = ((uint64_t)(((bits_queue & 1) << ((int8_t)context.j)) | context.board[i])); // set bit
context.bits_queue = (bits_queue >> 1); // rshift bits
context.board[i] = row; // save new element of arr2
int32_t sub_res;
sub_res = pop_count(row);
sub_res = sub_res > 2;
context.err = (new_flags | ((uint32_t)sub_res));
cursor = next;
case 4:
int32_t j = ((int32_t)cursor[1]);
int64_t i = ((int64_t)cursor[2]);
int32_t bits_set;
bits_set = context.bits_queue != 0;
context.err = (context.err | bits_set);
cursor = &cursor[3];
int32_t var_198_1 = context.move;
int32_t rax_26;
uint128_t zmm1;
int128_t zmm3;
int128_t zmm4;
int128_t zmm5;
int128_t zmm6;
rax_26 = sub_1570(j, i, context.j, context.visited[1], context.visited[5], context.visited[9], context.board[1], context.board[5], context.board[9], context.check_board[1], context.check_board[5], context.check_board[9], i);
context.check_board[i] = (context.check_board[i] | (rax_26 << j));
if ((((*(int8_t*)cursor == 3 || *(int8_t*)cursor == 1) || *(int8_t*)cursor == 4) || *(int8_t*)cursor == 2))
if (cursor >= end)
if ((cursor >= end || (cursor < end && *(int8_t*)cursor <= 4)))
res = 1;
*(int64_t*)((char*)fsbase + 0x28);
if (rax != *(int64_t*)((char*)fsbase + 0x28))
/* no return */
return res;